Adobe Animal Hospital
Our hospital offers a variety of dental therapy services. At your pet’s yearly examination it may be determined that they require a comprehensive dental assessment and treatment under anesthesia.
Routine veterinary dental therapy involves prophylaxis (ultrasonic scaling), polishing full mouth digital radiographs and a full oral examination.
Dental prophylaxis is performed with your pet under general anesthesia. It involves cleaning the surface of each tooth and scaling below the gumline, where food, bacteria, and tartar build up. To ensure the safety of your pet, pre-operative blood work will be performed prior to the anesthesia.
During a dental procedure, your veterinarian evaluates your pet’s teeth for fractures, caries (cavities), excessive wear, and other abnormalities. Your veterinarian will also examine around the gums to detect periodontal disease.
Sometimes teeth need to be pulled (extracted). Dental x-rays aid in the selection of teeth to be pulled and to aid in the evaluation of periodontal and other oral diseases. If your pet is found to have more advanced dental or periodontal disease, your veterinarian may recommend more specialized procedures.
We have state of the art monitoring equipment, highly skilled dental technicians and doctors that will make every effort to ensure your pet receives the very best care.
If you would like to submit a surgery or dental therapy request you may do so by emailing us, or by filling out the Surgery Request Form below.
To help expedite the process please let us know your name, pets name, surgery you would like to schedule and if you have a preferred date or doctor.
NOTE: We can not schedule surgeries for a patient that has not had a regular office visit within the previous 12 months.